Vegetation development in a sand dune ten years after restoration, Parque Municipal das Dunas da Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis, Santa Catarina


  • Nina Rosa Zanin Zanella UFSC
  • Marisa Prudencio Associação Ambientalista Comunitária Espiritualista Patriarca São José
  • Tânia Tarabini Castellani UFSC



The vegetation cover of a sand dune was surveyed ten years after the improvement of a restoration project that utilized seed sowing, seedling planting and seedling transplantation from an adjacent area with watering in the first months. On the upper part of the restored dune, the vegetation was sparse (53%) but more developed than that of the adjacent control area (34%), both presenting herbaceous/subshrub physiognomy with predominance of Panicum racemosum. On the slope of the restored dune, a shrub vegetation developed, presenting a percentage cover (90%) similar to that of the control area (100%). Dodonaea viscosa was the dominant species on this restored face. The establishment of arboreal and shrub species seedlings on the upper dune was good. In part, this improved the species richness, but contributed to dissimilarity between this area and the control site.  A lower species richness was presented on the slope and the similarity to the control area was even lower. Plants introduced by sowing and seedling transplantation showed success and contributed to the similarity with the adjacent vegetation. Seedlings of arboreal and shrub plants survived on the upper dune. These species are represented in a more developed stage of succession, differing from the adjacent control area.

Author Biography

Tânia Tarabini Castellani, UFSC

Possui graduação pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1980) , mestrado em Ecologia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1986) e doutorado em Ecologia pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2003) . Atualmente é Professor adjunto IV da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Revisor de periódico da Acta Botanica Brasilica, Revisor de periódico da Biotemas (UFSC), Revisor de periódico da Revista Brasileira de Entomologia, Revisor de periódico da Atlântica e Revisor de periódico da Revista Brasileira de Botânica. Tem experiência na área de Ecologia. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: duna frontal, dinâmica de praia, Dinâmica de populações, Ipomoea pes-caprae.




