Pre-germination treatments for Hymenaea stigonocarpa Mart. ex Hayne seeds


  • Sergio Roberto Garcia dos Santos Instituto Florestal
  • Renata Salaro Stecca e França de Oliveira Instituto Florestal - estagiária.
  • Luciana Cantanhede de Souza Instituto Florestal - estigiária
  • Sebastiana Dutra Souza Revoredo da Silva Instituto Florestal



Hymenaea stigonocarpa, known as Jatoba-do-cerrado, belongs to the family Fabaceae (Leguminosae) and is included in the category "near threatened with extinction." It occurs in cerrado and cerradão areas, and its seeds have physical dormancy. Because of this characteristic, the aim of this study was to evaluate different pre-germination treatments and control in H. stigonocarpa seeds, namely: immersion in fire, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, acetone, ether and hot water (100°C), and mechanical scarification of the seed coat by roughing with sandpaper or cutting with nail clippers and washing in running water for 2 hours. The parameters analyzed were percentage of germination, germination speed index (GSI) and the percentage of hard and firm seeds and dead seeds. The results obtained were: a) germination: boiling water and sulfuric acid were superior to the control; b) GSI: boiling water, sulfuric acid, fire and sandpaper were superior to the control and c) percentage of dead seeds was not statistically different between the different treatments and control. In conclusion, boiling water and sulfuric acid, were the best treatments, with regard to the parameters examined.

Author Biographies

Sergio Roberto Garcia dos Santos, Instituto Florestal

Pesquisador Científico do Instituto Florestal, atuando na Seção de Silvicultura em São Paulo. Possui doutorado em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) pela Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP).

Renata Salaro Stecca e França de Oliveira, Instituto Florestal - estagiária.

Bióloga formada pelo Centro Universitário São Camilo.

Luciana Cantanhede de Souza, Instituto Florestal - estigiária

Bióloga formada pela Associação Educacional Nove de Julho.

Sebastiana Dutra Souza Revoredo da Silva, Instituto Florestal

Técnica de laboratório da Sementes da Seção de Silvicultura do Instituto Florestal.




