Composition of Anastrepha species (Diptera: Tephritidae) in habitats with different levels of anthropogenic activity
We collected Anastrepha species in three areas (urban, research station, agricultural) and compared communities by faunal indices (dominance, abundance, frequency, and constancy). Species diversity was estimated using the Q-statistic and by calculating Shannon, Margalef Pielou and Berger-Parker indices. Similarity among areas was based on Sørensen and Bray-Curtis coefficients. The urban and research station areas presented greater diversity and similarity of Anastrepha species. Species composition differed between areas, with predominance of A. fraterculus (Wiedemann, 1830) in the three areas. Distribution patterns did not differ after adjusting the geometric series. The agricultural area was the least diverse and more closely resembled the urban area in terms of abundance. The urban area and research station were the most diverse, and were similar in composition of Anastrepha species. Despite being subject to different levels of human disturbance, these results suggest that the abundance and distribution pattern of Anastrepha species are similar in all three areas.
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