Nerocila sp. (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) parasitizing Mugil liza (Teleostei: Mugilidae) in São Francisco do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil


  • Juliano Santos Gueretz Instituto Federal Catarinense Campus Araquari
  • Lucas Cardoso Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Maurício Laterça Martins Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Antonio Pereira Souza Instituto Federal Catarinense



Isopods from the family Cymothoidae are fish ectoparasites displaying low host specificity found commonly attached to the gills, mouth, opercular cavity, nostrils and body surface of several host species. Damage can vary according to the degree of parasitism and the infestation site and may provoke respiratory discomfort in hosts. The aim of this study was to report the occurrence of a Nerocila sp. Leach, 1818 isopod parasitizing Mugil liza Valenciennes, 1836 captured in the Babitonga Bay, Santa Catarina State, Brazil. The female parasite specimen was recovered from the pectoral fin of M. liza and was 24 mm in length and 11 mm in width, and the mean egg size was 1.18 ± 0.08 x 1.03 ± 0.06 mm.

Author Biographies

Juliano Santos Gueretz, Instituto Federal Catarinense Campus Araquari

Medicina Veterinária

Lucas Cardoso, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Laboratório AQUOS-Sanidade de Organismos Aquáticos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC, Florianópolis Santa Catarina, Brasil.

Maurício Laterça Martins, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Laboratório AQUOS-Sanidade de Organismos Aquáticos, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC, Florianópolis Santa Catarina, Brasil.

Antonio Pereira Souza, Instituto Federal Catarinense

Programa de Pós Graduação em Sanidade Animal

Instituro Federal Catarinense Campus Araquari


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