Seed dispersal and population density of Psychotria nuda (Rubiceae) in an urban fragment of dense ombrophilous lowland forest in southern Brazil
The present study aimed to identify the dispersal agents of Psychotria nuda in an Atlantic Forest fragment and to estimate the population density of this species. The study area comprises an ombrophilous forest fragment at an intermediate regeneration stage. The population density was estimated in a 1 ha area. The species distribution pattern was determined using the Morisita index. Twenty adult individuals were observed to determine the dispersers and ten more were studied to evaluate the efficacy of the dispersal type by marking fruits and installing collecting nets. In the 1 ha area, 1,131 individuals were recorded. The Morisita index found a population of 1,317, indicating an aggregate distribution pattern. The results obtained for dispersal showed that barochory is more frequent then zoochory. Only Tachyphonus coronatus (ruby-crowned tanager) was recorded as a bird that disperses P. nuda. It is concluded that the aggregate distribution pattern found may be related to the absence of an efficient dispersal agent compared to barochory, which justifies the pattern. In population terms, P. nuda presents a balanced rate between recruitment and death of individuals, guaranteeing the occurrence of this species in the forest fragment.
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