Zoning of the most productive extraction area of Anomalocardia flexuosa (Linnaeus, 1767) (Mollusca: Bivalvia) in the world


  • Severino Adriano Oliveira Lima Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco
  • Humber Agrelli Andrade Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco




Mangue Seco Beach, in Pernambuco State, is a region with a large number of ecosystems and is notable as a place where Anomalocardia flexuosa is collected. In this work, zoning for the beach is proposed based on to the most expressive characteristics of the region and densities of A. flexuosa. In the delineation of the region, the effects of the surrounding water and proximity to the beach line were considered first. Three main location strata were evaluated, border, interior coast and interior sea, as well as secondary strata with latitudinal and longitudinal divisions. In total, 176 samples were obtained during surveys carried out in 2015. For all surveys the mean densities were higher in the interior coastal sector. The areas located near estuaries seemed better for the species compared to regions with greater marine interference. In general, it was possible to differentiate four location strata according to the morphodynamic characteristics and densities of A. flexuosa. The first and most abundant stratum would be the interior coast, the second stratum would be the interior sea and the border stratum would be divided into two substrates, one further away from the beach line and another closer to the river mouth.

Author Biographies

Severino Adriano Oliveira Lima, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Graduando em Engenharia de Pesca pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (2012), mestre em Recursos Pesqueiros e Aquicultura pela Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco e atualmente é doutorando em Recursos Pesqueiros e Aquicultura da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco.

Humber Agrelli Andrade, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco

Graduado em Oceanografia Biológica pela Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (1991), mestre em Oceanografia Biológica pela Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (1996) e doutor em Oceanografia Biológica pela Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (2004). Tem experiência em biologia pesqueira e no uso de modelagens estatísticas na análise de problemas de ecologia, particularmente aqueles associados ao ambiente marinho. Tem trabalhado com modelos lineares generalizados e abordagens Bayesianas.


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