Vascular epiphytes of Serra de Itabaiana National Park, Sergipe, Brazil
The objective of this work was to conduct a floristic survey of the vascular epiphytes of Serra de Itabaiana National Park (PARNASI) in Sergipe State. The lack of research about epiphytes in Sergipe was the reason for the study in PARNASI, which is very important for the conservation of species in the state. The study sought to answer three questions. How many and what are the species of vascular epiphytes that occur in PARNASI? What are the ecological categories of the epiphytes sampled? How similar is the epiphytic flora of PARNASI to other areas studied in Brazil? The inventory was carried out by walking throughout the park (active search). All vascular epiphytic species were collected, herborized and deposited in the UFS herbarium (ASE). A total of 47 species, in 29 genera and 10 families, were collected. The results of the similarity analysis showed low floristic similarity between the study area and those of other regions. The high number of exclusive taxa in the areas, studied and compared, reveals the great importance of each site for the conservation of epiphytic species.
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