Controlling the cowpea black aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch) with botanical extracts
Botanical extracts from Brazilian caatinga plants have a potential insecticidal effect and it was thought that extracts of Ziziphus joazeiro, Caesalpinia ferrea and Mimosa caesalpiniifolia would exhibit insecticidal activity against Aphis craccivora (cowpea black aphid). This work aimed to evaluate different botanical extracts of these plants at controlling A. craccivora on cowpea plants. The study was conducted at the Plant Science Department of the Federal University of Ceara, Pici campus, in Fortaleza, Ceará. The treatments where made of the following: distilled water; a botanical insecticide of proven efficiency, from Annona squamosa, at a concentration of 0.5%; and hydroalcoholic extracts, for two storage times and concentrations of 5 and 2.5%, of different parts of the plant species. The design of each experiment was in randomized blocks with twenty-six treatments and five repetitions. For both concentrations (5% and 2.5%), the treatment that showed the highest efficiency was the Annona squamosa extract. Under the conditions of the experiment, the botanical extracts have an active substance that controls the aphid.
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