Spatial and temporal variability of the zooplankton community at Araruama Lagoon




In hypersaline environments the zooplankton community is generally poor in density and richness, even so these organisms are fundamental to the base of the local food chain. This study aims to evaluate the spatial and temporal variation of the zooplankton community of Araruama Lagoon, considering the abiotic data of salinity and temperature as well as the biotic data of zooplankton density and composition. Six samples were performed in 12 collection stations from horizontal surface halls with 200 ?m mesh nets with a 60 cm diameter opening and an attached flowmeter. A total of 34 holoplanktonic taxa and five groups of meroplankton were identified. In relation to the spatial and temporal variation of the zooplankton of the lagoon, the parameters evaluated showed significant results for both factors. The variations also showed greater richness, diversity and density of species in the collection stations closer to the sea, where salinity was lower. There was a predominance of holoplankton during the study, differing from the results previously found in the 90’s.

Author Biographies

Judson da Cruz Lopes da Rosa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais e Conservação, Laboratório Integrado de Zoologia

Lucas Lemos Batista, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Macae, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.

Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Ciencias Ambientais e Conservacao, Laboratorio


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