

  • Jordan Paulo Wallauer Parque Ecológico do Córrego Grande - IBAMA
  • Marlise Becker Parque Ecológico do Córrego Grande - IBAMA
  • Luiz Guilherme Martins-Sá Departamento de Ecologia e Zoologia - CCB/UFSC
  • Leila Maria Liermann UNIVILLE
  • Silvia Helena Perretto UNIVILLE
  • Valmor Schermack Faculdade de Engenharia Florestal - Universidade do Contestado


For 23 days, in two periods from March 6 to 16th and August 16 to 29th, 1997, an inventory of mammals was compiled at Três Barras National Forest, in Três Barras County, Santa Catarina State, Southern Brazil. Five methodologies were employed: caputr with mist nets, capture with live traps, identification of footprints and feces, visualization in situ, and interviews with local people. Thirty four species were registered, 16 of them as an addition to a previous list of mammals of the studied area. The results indicate a higher diversity of species, with higher populations, for the forest types with lesser human influence, considering the 5 forest types studied, 3 of which were called "naturals" and two of which were intensively managed for timber production.

Author Biography

Jordan Paulo Wallauer, Parque Ecológico do Córrego Grande - IBAMA

Possui Graduação em Medicina Veterinária pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul e Doutorado em Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.

Mais informações no Currículo Lattes.




