Experimentally induced disruption of the diurnal rhythm of body temperature of the rat


  • Roberto Refinetti Roberto Refinetti Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Champaing, Illinois 61820, USA.




Although the body temperature of a mammal is known to be transiently affected by several environmental treatments as well as by the adminis tration of numerous pharmacological rhythm of body temperature (DTR)  that  last for several days after the experimental treatment. In the present study, the DTR of Long – Evans rats persisted under conditions of constant darkness as well as after a number of experimental treatments under a light  – dark cycle. Treatments that did not significantly affect the DTR included 24-  hr restraint, food deprivation, environmentally – induced hypothermia, ether inhalation, and intraperitoneal injections of ketamine, ketamine /xylazine, ethnol, propranolol, or brewer`s yeast. Only two treatments caused  a  long- lasting (4-5 days) disruption of the DTR: abdominal surgery and acute administration of parachlorophenylalanine. No common mecha nism for the action of these two treatments was identified.

Author Biography

Roberto Refinetti Roberto Refinetti, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Champaing, Illinois 61820, USA.

Department of Psychology, University of Illinois, Champaing, Illinois 61820, USA.




