Composition of macroinvertebrates associated with aquatic macrophytes as a parameter for assessing water quality in a reservoir in the semiarid region of Bahia


  • Mailson Silva Santana State University of Bahia
  • Celimarcos Bezerra dos Santos State University of Bahia
  • Patrícia Maria Mitsuka State University of Bahia



Macroinvertebrates associated with aquatic macrophytes have become more abundant since the plant’s morphological characteristics contribute to an increase in colonization, diversity and environmental quality assessment. This study presents a survey of the composition and richness of macroinvertebrates (Insecta Class) associated with different species of aquatic macrophytes and evaluates the water quality of the Tanque de Aroeiras reservoir, Caetité, Bahia. Macroinvertebrates were collected from macrophyte banks of different biotypes (Nymphaea L.; Ludwigia L.; Polygonum ferrugineum Wedd.) and identified at the family taxonomic level. The Biological Monitoring Working Party System (BMWP) and Average Score per Rate (BMWP-ASPT) indices were determined. A total of 7,120 specimens were recorded, with a richness of 27 families, distributed in the following orders: Coleoptera, Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Hemiptera, Odonata and Trichoptera. Coleoptera showed greater richness, while dipterans showed greater dominance, with Chironomidae being more abundant. This fact may be associated with a variety of aquatic life habits that contribute to a greater availability of food resources. The results of the BMWP-ASPT classified the water in this reservoir as likely to be moderately polluted. All things considered, this study highlights the importance of new research for added knowledge regarding the macroinvertebrate community and its application in evaluating the water quality of this reservoir.

Author Biographies

Mailson Silva Santana, State University of Bahia

Graduating in Biology Sciences at the Higher Education Institution: State University of Bahia (UNEB - campus VI). At this institution, he is part of the Research Group in Semi-Arid Ecology, where he was a volunteer in the Scientific Initiation Program (UNEB) and later a Scientific Initiation scholarship (PICIN / UNEB) developing a research subproject entitled: “ASSOCIATION OF MACROINVERTEBRATES TO DIFFERENT SPECIES OF AQUATIC MACRÓFITAS (TANQUE DE AROEIRAS, CAETITÉ / BA) ”, in the period of 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 under the guidance of Doctor Patrícia Maria Mitsuka, thus contributing to studies in Limnology of invertebrates in lentic environments. In addition, he is a member of the Taxidermy Group of the Animal Study Laboratory of the same institution, with guidance from Master Kamila Santos Barros. He is interested in Ecology, Zoology and Human Physiology.

Celimarcos Bezerra dos Santos, State University of Bahia

Master in Ecosystem Ecology by the Postgraduate Program in Tropical Aquatic Systems at the State University of Santa Cruz, UESC-Ilhéus/Bahia. Specialist in Biology and Chemistry Teaching Methodology from the Pedagogical Institute of Minas Gerais/IPEMIG. Graduated in Biological Sciences by the State University of Bahia/UNEB-Campus VI, Caetité/Bahia. Are you a researcher in the Semi-Arid Ecology Research Group? research line Aquatic Ecology. Has teaching experience: in basic education teaching the subjects of biology and chemistry in the State Education Network of the State of Bahia; in undergraduate and graduate courses, it has sought to collaborate with guidance and support for the construction of scientific articles. Has scientific experience in the area of ​​Ecology of sweet (lentic and lotic) and estuarine environments, mainly related to the biogeochemistry of nitrogen and the physicochemical variables of water. Currently, it has sought to deepen the studies of statistical tools associated with the R program for a better interpretation of ecological data.

Patrícia Maria Mitsuka, State University of Bahia

Graduated in Biological Sciences from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP/campus of Bauru (1994), master's (1998) and doctorate (2005) in Biological Sciences (Zoology) from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP/campus of Botucatu. She is currently an adjunct professor at the State University of Bahia - UNEB, Department of Human Sciences - campus VI, Caetité. He has experience in the area of Ecology, with an emphasis on Aquatic Ecosystems, acting mainly on the following themes: reservoir plankton, physical and chemical factors, semi-arid region.


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