Following trends: Did the southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) breeding seasons in 2020 and 2021 maintain the triennial fluctuation patterns observed in previous years in southern Santa Catarina?
Analysis of variance, Cluster analysis, Generalized linear model, Reproductive area in Brazil, Southern right whaleAbstract
The coast of Santa Catarina State is a breeding ground for southern right whales that regularly use this area at a triennial interval. Weather phenomena, such as El Niño, can affect this regularity. To test whether these trends are maintained, data collected at land base stations in 2020 and 2021 were compared with those from 2017 and 2018. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to test the influence of the explanatory variables on the number of whales recorded: year, month, and land base station. ANOVA tests were performed to detect significant differences between years and a cluster analysis was conducted using the Morisita-Horn similarity index. All explanatory variables tested by the GLM were significant. Significant differences were detected by the ANOVA when all years were compared together. When comparing corresponding years, 2017-2020 did not exhibit significant differences, while 2018-2021 did. The similarity analysis clustered the years 2018-2021 but did not cluster 2017-2020; the year 2017 was the closest to the group 2018-2021. This probably occurred due to the distribution pattern of the coves and not the number of registered whales. The results partially support our hypotheses and suggest the distribution pattern of the species undergoes considerable interannual oscillations.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Eduardo Pires Renault-Braga, Carolina Bezamat, Camila Rossana Morais de Mederios, Daiana Bezerra, Karina Rejane Groch , Thaise Lima de Albernaz

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