Assessment of the reproductive biology of molluscs of the species Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818) exposed to different types of food and substrates


  • Walter César Góes Valente Instituto Oswaldo Cruz - Fiocruz
  • Juberlan Silva Garcia
  • João de Mello Rezende Neto
  • Giuliana Viegas Schirato
  • Marta Júlia Faro



Molluscs farming, Fecundity and fertility rate


To maintain the biological cycle of Schistosoma mansoni in the laboratory, it is necessary that the intermediate host snails are kept in favorable conditions for their development, in order to evaluate their reproductive biology (fecundity and fertility), the effect of diets (lettuce and fish feed), substrates (clay, mixture of salts, and CaCO3), and their combinations. Ten experimental groups were formed, each one with 30 Biomphalaria glabrata: RC (Fish food/CaCO?); LC (Lettuce/CaCO?); RA (Fish food/Clay); LA (Lettuce/Clay); RS (Fish food/salt mixture); LS (Lettuce/Salt mixture); RCA (Fish food/CaCO?/Clay); LCA (Lettuce/CaCO?/Clay); RSA (Fish food/Salt mixture/Clay); LSA (Lettuce/Salt mixture/Clay). The effects on the fecundity of the snails were evaluated weekly by counting the number of ovigerous masses per mollusc, number of eggs per ovigerous mass, and number of eggs per mollusc. Fertility was evaluated using the hatching rate of eggs per mollusc. Among the groups studied, RCA and RA had higher egg production and higher egg masses. The average of fertile eggs for the RCA, RSA and RA groups was higher than for those fed with lettuce. It could be observed that feeding interferes with fecundity, increasing the number of eggs individually, and by ovigerous mass and the mass number. The molluscs fed on fish food showed earlier sexual maturity compared to animals fed on lettuce.



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