Benthic aquatic insects in forested and non-forested environments in rivers of the Juruá Valley




Bioindicators, Entomofauna, Environmental quality, Limnology, Macroinvertebrates


Fresh water ecosystems have been constantly threatened by anthropogenic stressors, placing a burden on benthic aquatic insect community structures. Hence, the aim of this study is to evaluate aquatic insect diversity in a gradient of forested and non-forested areas between the dry and rainy seasons in rivers of the Juruá Valley. 675 individuals were collected, 70.63% were collected during the dry season and 29.37% were collected during the rainy season, distributed among the orders Diptera, Ephemeroptera, Odonata e Trichopteran. There was greater abundance of the order Diptera when compared to the other taxons. Significant differences between the forested and non-forested environments in both seasonal periods were observed with greater diversity and equitability found in forested environments. Family richness and diversity presented a relation to oxygen levels dissolved in water and chlorophyll concentrations in forested environments during the dry season, and all environments sampled presented a slightly acidic pH, close to neutral. The study demonstrated there was a large incidence of generalist organisms whose characteristics are adaptive to negative changes, thus demonstrating that impacts caused to the localities alter aquatic insect composition.


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