Education, narrative and experience


  • Eloiza Gurgel Pires Professora do Instituto de Artes da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro UERJ



Walter Benjamin was opposed the scientific knowledge, and cultural impoverishment generated by instrumental knowledge, homogenizing, in the early decades of the twentieth century. Then he warned about the relevance of the narrative experience as a condition of the historicity of the human being. According to this author, the difficulty of interchange experiences and consequently the decline of the art of storytelling in the modern world have changed the ways of feeling and knowing the subject in formation. The experience of this subject was taken away from him by a meaningless linear time, homogeneous and chronological, by the accumulation of information and knowledge, by the bombardment of the "news" created in the means of communication and by an action, established on the empirical thinking-technical. This article discusses the decline of the experience and the disappearance of the traditional narrative, taking back the thresholds benjaminianos in the writings and in the wandering spaces that condense the philosopher's thought about the process of modernity and its implications in the educational field.

Author Biography

Eloiza Gurgel Pires, Professora do Instituto de Artes da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro UERJ

É artista visual; pesquisadora e doutora em educação pela Universidade de Brasília UnB. Atualmente é professora do Instituto de Artes da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro UERJ. No trânsito indisciplinado por diferentes campos, suas pesquisas e publicações discutem as relações existentes entre os processos culturais da contemporaneidade e a educação a partir das poéticas urbanas; do binômio história/memória; da arte e das linguagens midiáticas, especialmente das linguagens audiovisuais.




