LGBT Sport and Post-Modern Condition: anthropological notes


  • Wagner Xavier Camargo UFSC
  • Carmen Silvia de Moraes Rial UFSC



Compared with some of the characteristics of post-modern condition and starting from considerations of a multi-sited anthropology, this article aims to reflect on competitions and games for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender athletes (LGBT). For this purpose, an introductory scene is chosen as a theme for discussion and interweaves considerations which aim to challenge the heteronormative matrix of intelligibility of the conventional sports. Beyond the boundaries of improving or rejecting applicants binary alternatives in the sports arena, there is as essential to consider the current practice of sport LGBT segment and thus open consideration of what kind of events are these and what sport is this.

Author Biographies

Wagner Xavier Camargo, UFSC

Doutorando da Pos-Graduacao em Ciencias Humanas (DICH), na area de Estudos de Genero. Sub-area de especialidade: Antropologia Social e Antropologia do Esporte

Carmen Silvia de Moraes Rial, UFSC

Prof. Dra. dos Deptos de Antropologia e Interdisciplinar do CFH/UFSC; Pesquisadora do CNPq; Coordenadora do Núcleo de Pesquisas Audiovisuais e Estudos da Imagem (NAVI) e GAUM (Grupo de Antropologia Urbana e Marítima)




