Conteúdo do artigo principal

Billy Bromage
Kirsten Maclean
Marcelo Gobbo
Winnie Cheng
Denisse Cáceres Malig
Nathália Maria Souza da Rocha
Bridgett Willianmson
Michael Rowe


In recent years, the citizenship framework has been refined and expanded by mental health practitioners from around the world who have applied it to their cultural and sociopolitical contexts. One driving factor in the process has been in-person cultural exchanges to observe how citizenship theory is operationalized in practice. Since 2015, Focus Act Connect Every-day (FACE) has welcomed visitors from South America, Asia and Europe to participate in its group meetings and community-building activities in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.  FACE is a collective of people in recovery, mental health practitioners, and other community members that operates outside of the mental health service system and provides mutual support to its members and participates in community-building work in local neighborhoods. Using reflections on their experiences with FACE, the authors discuss how FACE and its unique application of the citizenship framework might pertain to their own contexts. Further, the authors consider the potential for promoting civic engagement and building community power that implementing projects similar to FACE might have, particularly among marginalized groups.

Detalhes do artigo

Como Citar
BROMAGE, Billy; MACLEAN, Kirsten; GOBBO, Marcelo; CHENG, Winnie; CÁCERES MALIG, Denisse; SOUZA DA ROCHA, Nathália Maria; WILLIANMSON, Bridgett; ROWE, Michael. INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES ON A COLLECTIVE APPROACH TO RECOVERY AND CITIZENSHIP. Cadernos Brasileiros de Saúde Mental/Brazilian Journal of Mental Health, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 35, p. 01–15, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 mar. 2025.
Artigos originais
Biografia do Autor

Billy Bromage, Yale School of Medicine

Assistant Clinical Professor of Social Work, Yale School of Medicine

Kirsten Maclean, University of Strathclyde

PhD researcher, University of Strathclyde

Marcelo Gobbo

Médico da Família e Comunidade no Hospital de Amor – Barretos

Winnie Cheng, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Department of Psychology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Denisse Cáceres Malig, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

M.D. Psychiatry Resident, Universidad de Santiago de Chile

Nathália Maria Souza da Rocha, UFSC

Psicóloga e Especialista em Saúde Pública pela UFSC

Bridgett Willianmson, Yale School of Medicine

Co-Director, Citizens Project, Yale School of Medicine

Michael Rowe, Yale School of Medicine

Professor, Yale School of Medicine, department of psychiatry


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