State and Social Movements: What Autonomy? An experience of the popular councils in Fortaleza


  • Pedro Costa Junior Faculdade Catolica do Ceará



This article examines some aspects of the relationship between state and urban social movements. The focus is the relationship of the Movement of People's Councils (MCP) with the administration of Fortaleza, governed by Luizianne Lins (PT). The peculiarity exists in the relationship is that the movement emerged in the wake of campaign Luizianne and that, in theory, would guarantee the support of the "popular government", has suffered a drain by the municipal administration, including through traditional practices in politics . The experience is emblematic for demonstrating the expression of subjects before the antagonistic contradictions embodied in the economic dynamics of urban expansion and the process of "transformism" in social relations waged by the dominant power in relation to the antagonistic subject.

Author Biography

Pedro Costa Junior, Faculdade Catolica do Ceará

Mestre em Sociologia pela Universidade Federal do Ceara e integrante do Laboratorio de Estudos da Cidade (LEC) - UFC. É professor no curso de Publicidade e Propaganda da Faculdade Catolica do CearA. Tem experiencia docente nas Areas de Ciencias Humanas em geral: Pedagogia, Metodologia Científica e Gestão Social. Exerceu assessoria em Secretaria de Planejamento, mandato parlamentar e ONG.




