The time or us? A view of the invention of social time in Edward P. Thompson's political-cultural perception


  • Artur Mazzucco Fabro Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)



The works of E.P Thomspon permeate a diversity of subjects that fit very well in the so-called social sciences; however, being a historian, his thinking acquires a very useful mark for the discipline of History: the said history seen from below. It was from this choice of analysis that could be credited with the influence of Marx and Marxism in his life that the English historian is able to construct a very rich narrative of the way in which English workers were relating to the rest of society where They lived; How they shared their customs in common, and what their peculiarities were compared to the rest of Europe. In the midst of so many events as a result of the advance of capitalism, the "emergence" of time as necessary to regulate labor relations proved to be a fertile ground for revealing some characteristics of this economic system that completely changed humanity

Author Biography

Artur Mazzucco Fabro, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)

Mestre em Sociologia Política pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Pesquisador do Núcelo de Estudos do Pensamento Político (NEPP/UFSC).




