State-of-the-art: the implementation of the laws N° 10.639 and Nº 11.645/08




This research aimed to investigate in an exploratory way some experiments on the implementation process of Laws 10.639/03 and 11.645/08, which have on the mandatory teaching of “Afro-Brazilian and Indigenous History and Culture” in the curriculum of Basic Education. The survey was carried out in 96 schools of the federal, state, municipal and private education networks. In This sense, the research sought to identify by means of interviews, as has been the experience of implementing these laws in different educational establishments and how these contents are addressed in schools by directors, pedagogical counselors, Teachers and the school community, based on the mandatory implementation of the law. It is Considered that this is a relevant contribution, as it investigated the application of the law in its praxis, through interviews with different agents in the school environment about the breadth and complexity of the implementation of Laws 10.639/03 and 11.654/ 08.

Author Biography

Gianne Cristina dos Reis, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Bacharel e Licenciada em Ciências Socais (UFRJ), Mestre em Ciência Política(UFF), Doutora em Ciência Política (IESP/UERJ) e Pós-Doutora em Cultura e Desenvolvimento(UFRJ).


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