Power and community in Max Weber’s sociology of action, 1910-1913





In the year 1913, Max Weber defines the primary object of Sociology as the communitary action – and as social action latter. This article pretends to follow this conceptual core up, that is: the modalization of meaning references in the subjective and objective aspects as longs as it enables the interplay of the categories of necessity, possibility and reality within his founding sociological perspective. For this purpose, I’ll discuss first Weber’s methodological essays, stressing the 1907-19013 period. Sustaining this dialogue, I’ll go on to the texts and manuscripts corresponding to the first phase (ca. 1910-1913) of the Economy and Society conceiving. The author draws up there on forms of community ad power in the working on his social theory

Author Biography

Michel Mustafa, UNIFESP

Michel Mustafa é mestre em Sociologia pela USP, com dissertação à respeito das relações entre Kant e Weber. Atualmente, é doutorando em Filosofia Árabe na Unifesp.


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