The year the earth stopped: the coronavirus and the new paths of contemporary social theory


  • Thiago de Araujo Pinho Universidade Federal da Bahia



With the arrival of new challenges in 2020 social scientists are following two interesting and creative paths, although often they contradict each other. On the one hand, those who incorporate new obstacles into classic tools and themes, transforming the unprecedented into something predictable, the strange into familiar, and, on the other, those who bet on the idea that the social sciences found, in 2020, a limit, a boundary, besides an opportunity to rethink many of its approaches. The main purpose of this essay, therefore, is to understand a little the contours of the latter, here called Alternative Social Theory (A.S.T), in addition to suggesting its implications when the subject is the Coronavirus and its consequences.


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Seção Especial: COVID-19