We are all mortals: the coronavírus and the open nature of history


  • Loren Marie Vituri Berbert Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Rita Laura Segato Universidade de Brasília
  • Renato Bradbury de Oliveira Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina




In this essay Rita Segato mobilizes a set of interpretations about the possible meaning of the new coronavirus pandemic, in which it is understood as: 1) a catalyst for a collapse of the neoliberal illusion; 2) a justification for the imposition of a state of exception; 3) a "final solution"; 4) an accessory of a warlike approach to the establishment of new enemies; 5) a symptom of the unsustainable way we treat the environment; and 6) a herald of the need for a feminine key politicity. All of them, however, would be based on a will of omnipotence: that of framing history in a predictable course. Faced with the incommunicability of this present event, she defends as a priority the openness to the unpredictable, and the protection of life in the here and now.


GRIMSON, A (Org.). El futuro después del COVID-19. Buenos Aires: Presidencia de la Nación, 2020. p. 76-88.





Seção Especial: COVID-19