Towards a philosophy since Brazil

break the eurocentred epistemical “ties” and dialogically reinventing our philosophy





Thinking about the possibility of a Brazilian Philosophy or being elaborated since a Brazilian perspective may prove to be a complex task, capable of raising questions questions about not only the very definition of what is philosophycal, but also problematizing the limits of Philosophy. The relevance of investigating this possibility lies in the need to undress the colonial that prevails in academic custom or tradition rooted in the philosopher’s place and time. The methodology of the research carried out is theoretical-bibliographic based on decolonial studies developed by the autor. Through the problematizations carried out, it was noted the need to build a Philosophy from Brazil, uncoupled from nacionalisms and philosophical identities linked to the eurocentred legacy. Interlocution with Literature, as well as with other Arts, can allow for a glimpse of paths that expand the limits of the philosophical exercise and, thus allow for thinking differently and situated temporally and spatially in the problems of the “below”.


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