Anger as fuel for struggles for recognition: an approach to the Marielle Franco case


  • Francisco Gabriel Alves Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



Rage, Fight for recognition, Marielle Franco


This paper presents a theoretical approach on the potential of anger to mobilize struggles for recognition. The argument is that anger can favor the articulation of marginalized subjects against the oppressions of racism or sexist culture. To this end, the work dialogues with the reflections proposed by black feminist intellectuals, including the Americans Audre Lorde (2019) and bell hooks (2019). Both are used to problematize anger as a legitimate reaction to social injustice, through which it would be possible to question the structures of domination in society. In addition, the text explores the pillars of the theory of recognition designed by Axel Honneth (2009), in order to clarify the subjective motivations that lead subjects to claim demands for justice, equality and respect. To illustrate this theoretical reflection, the article recalls the murder of city councilor Marielle Franco, based on the analysis of Twitter posts that may indicate the presence of anger as a channel for the struggles formed around the event.


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