Max Weber, the beggar and the political in India: or when the non-puritan generates non-violence


  • Arilson Silva de Oliveira UFCG



India, Max Weber, Politics, Magic


Under the gaze of Max Weber and in the wake of his theory with that of Louis Dumont’s, we analyze how the ancient Indian context and imaginary present us with possibilities of coexistence between violence and "non-violence", between the irrationality of the world and the disdain for the ethics of fraternity and the eagerness for wealth, without endangering the "salvation" or liberation of the soul. This summarily characterizes the violent and the nonviolent actions on the same level: vocational, depending on the context and on the social agents involved. In this case, there are two specific agents: the intellectual mendicant br?hma?a and the violent politician; the latter, directed by the former to coexist with ideas and actions of nonviolence. We demonstrate, thus, how the strength of the established hierarchy in caste society, along with the imaginaries surrounding it, were able to sacralize seemingly contradictory actions.

Author Biography

Arilson Silva de Oliveira, UFCG

Bacharel e Licenciado em História (USP), Mestre em Sociologia (USP), Doutor em História Social (USP), Pós-Doutor em Religião e Sociedade (PUC-SP) e ex-bolsista CAPES e FAPESP. Atualmente é Coordenador Administrativo da Unidade Acadêmica de Ciências Sociais (UACS) da UFCG, Prof. Adjunto II do Curso de Ciências Sociais da UFCG, Pesquisador do Grupo de Estudos em Sociologia da Religião GESR (UFCG), Membro da ABHR (Associação Brasileira de História das Religiões), Membro da ANPUH (Associação Nacional de História) e Pesquisador do Laboratório de Estudos da Ásia (LEA - USP). 


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