University extension: between conservatism and utopia


  • Eros Marion Mussoi Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Lucia Helena Correa Lenzi Aposentada Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



We discuss university extension at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, investigating its interrelations with society. We work with data collected from about 18,000 extension projects of UFSC, from 2008 to 2013. We could notice a significant concentration of the extension projects in the metropolitan region of Greater Florianópolis (84% of the projects) and, within this region, absolute predominance of Florianópolis (98% of projects). In socioeconomic terms, it appears that the towns with the lowest HDI in Santa Catarina are not prioritized by the extension actions. These findings suggest the need for a more consistent interdisciplinary and intersectoral action, in a territorial logic. We propose that focus territories are defined where all the extension actions of the University should be fully integrated, both in terms of planning and implementation/monitoring. We thus seek to assume the perspective of a multi-actor process, pointing out the need for the university to articulate with local, state and federal public policy organizations, in order to attain a smooth running and continuity of the projects/actions of university extension.

Author Biographies

Eros Marion Mussoi, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Nasc. 1946. Eng. Agrônomo, Mestrado em Extensão Rural; Mestrado em Agroecologia; Doutorado em Agroecologia; Pós-doutorado em Extensão Rural Agroecológica. Professor Associado IV, Departamento de Zootecnia e Desenvolvimento Rural, UFSC.

Lucia Helena Correa Lenzi, Aposentada Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Psicóloga e professora de Educação Física.


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