Rondon project in the municipality of Denise/MT


  • Sophia Lacerda Universidade de São Paulo
  • Bianca Gomes Universidade de São Paulo
  • Paula Borges Universidade de São Paulo
  • Talita Correa Universidade de São Paulo
  • Bruno Martinelli Universidade de São Paulo
  • Beatriz Gaspar Universidade de São Paulo



This article aims to report the extension experience lived for eight graduate students of the "Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades" of the “Universidade de São Paulo” (EACH/USP) during the Tuiuiú Operation/Rondon Project in July 2011 in the city of Denise/MT. The group consisted in environmental management and public policy management students. The activities carried out, inserted into the set "B", are described in their conception and the results were qualitatively analyzed. More than 650 people participated in the activities. The public was very heterogeneous composed by children, youth, adults, rural settlers and bureaucrats. Noteworthy the challenges were adapting the plan of actions to local conditions in order to meet community demands - which could only be fully known after visits and conversation with the population of Denise - and to integrate the schedule to the team responsible for the set "A" - since there it was no other contact between the Rondon teams. The extension experience had a great importance to the academic instruction of the graduation students due to the exchange of knowledge provided by the experience gained during the formulation and implementation of the project.

Author Biographies

Sophia Lacerda, Universidade de São Paulo

Congressista Rondon

Bianca Gomes, Universidade de São Paulo

Congressista Rondon

Paula Borges, Universidade de São Paulo

Congressista Rondon

Talita Correa, Universidade de São Paulo

Congressista Rondon

Bruno Martinelli, Universidade de São Paulo

Congressista Rondon

Beatriz Gaspar, Universidade de São Paulo

Congressista Rondon


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