Rondon project in the municipality of Caridade - CE: evaluation of results obtained from the health fairs


  • Carla Ferreira de Sousa Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas
  • Flávio Rocha Gil Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas
  • Maura Regina Guimarães Rabelo Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas



The Health Fair was one of the workshops of the Rondon Project in Caridade - CE during Operation Mandacaru January 2015. The actions were based on the realization of a service circuit, in which the patient was accepted and below were registered, in a form developed for the fair, health information of these individuals. At the end of the circuit, each patient received guidance made by rondonistas based on the results found in the individual form, emphasizing the guidelines for self care that, according to the scientific evidence, reduce mortality. When assessing the health profile of these individuals, realized is unfavorable lifestyle habits for the onset and / or worsening of chronic diseases, such as systemic hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Therefore, it is believed that the Health Fairs were of paramount importance to public awareness of this town for self-care oriented through healthy lifestyle habits.

Author Biographies

Carla Ferreira de Sousa, Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas

Congressista Rondon

Flávio Rocha Gil, Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas

Congressista Rondon

Maura Regina Guimarães Rabelo, Centro Universitário de Patos de Minas

Congressista Rondon


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