Internship and opportunities: report of an extension action on the social role of the universities about issues of internship and employability


  • Carlos Henrique de Vasconcellos Ribeiro Universidade Santa Úrsula
  • Adriano Rosa da Silva Universidade Santa Úrsula
  • Paulo César Martinez Y Alonso Universidade Santa Úrsula



Objective: To report and reflecting on the experience of a fair of internships and opportunities of a Higher Education Institution within the city of Rio de Janeiro during May 29–30th 2019. Method: This research is qualitative in nature, characterizing itself as an exploratory and descriptive research as it presents data collected during an extensionist action and seeks to offer subsidies for analysis on a pedagogical knowledge in the university environment, committed to issues of social and human development. Results: The following visitation numbers are: 15 participating companies, three private schools, and an estimated audience of about 977 people. Regarding gender, 640 of the public were male and 337females. Conclusion: The experience report made here hopes to contribute to the discussion of the role of university extension in the issue of events that bring companies and academic community closer, especially in the role of the university in the issue of economic and human development in the region where it is located.

Author Biographies

Carlos Henrique de Vasconcellos Ribeiro, Universidade Santa Úrsula

Doutorado em Educação Física pela Universidade Gama Filho. Docente do Mestrado Profissional da Universidade Santa Úrsula.

Adriano Rosa da Silva, Universidade Santa Úrsula

Doutorado em Educação Física pela Universidade Gama Filho. Docente e Coordenador do Mestrado Profissional da Universidade Santa Úrsula.

Paulo César Martinez Y Alonso, Universidade Santa Úrsula

Doutorado em Filosofia da Educacao pelo Consejo Iberoamericano, Peru. Reitor da Universidade Santa Úrsula.


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