Health promotion and cancer prevention actions through Instagram


  • THAIS CORREIA University for the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony
  • SARA HELLEN University for the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony
  • ANDREA LINARD University for the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony



Health Promotion, Women's Health, Prevention, Cancer, Social Network


The objective was to report an action carried out on the social network Instagram®, the result of an extension project, aimed at the discussion, socialization and dissemination of information and health services related to breast and cervical cancer. This is a descriptive study, of the experience report type, carried out from January to December 2021, on Instagram®, with the profile: @cancersonosigno. A total of 269 followers were obtained, in addition, the actions were effective due to the successful numbers shown. The goal was achieved, as evidenced by the number of people exposed by the data made available on the platform, as subdivided by city: Fortaleza (25.1%), Redenção (15.2%), Baturité (8.3%), Antônio Diogo ( 4.4%) and Maracanaú (4.4%). It is concluded that the activities carried out were beneficial to the target audience, providing subsidies that increased the knowledge of women regarding health promotion and prevention of two types of cancer with a relevant epidemiological.

Author Biographies

THAIS CORREIA, University for the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony

Undergraduate student of the Bachelor's Degree in Nursing at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB). Scholarship holder of the Extension, Art and Culture Scholarship Program (PIBEAC/UNILAB). Member of the Family Health Nursing Care Research Group (GPCESF), registered in the CNPq Directory and active at UNILAB. Member of the Study and Research Group in Emergency (GEPE), registered in the CNPq Directory and active at UNILAB. Areas of interest: Public Health, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Urgency and Emergency.

SARA HELLEN , University for the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony

Nursing student at the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (UNILAB), Institute of Health Sciences (ICS). Scientific Initiation Scholarship (PIBIC/UNILAB) with the research: Willingness for improved health control and perception of comfort in people with Diabetes Mellitus (2021/2022), coordinated by Prof. Dr. Huana Carolina Candido Morais. She was a volunteer in a project on Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer (2021/2022). Member of the Research and Extension Group on Nursing Care Technologies in the Scenario of Chronic Diseases and Member of the Study and Research Group in Emergency (GEPE). She was a fellow of the Pulsar Program acting as a Junior Tutor (2021). She was an extension volunteer (2020). Areas of interest: Emergency, ICU and Public Health.

ANDREA LINARD, University for the International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony

Completed undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses in Nursing at the Federal University of Ceará. She is a federal civil servant on the career board of the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusophony (Unilab) in the position of Full Professor at the Institute of Health Sciences (ICS). Over the ten years of Unilab's operation, she worked on the process of implantation and consolidation of the university based in Redenção (CE) created on 06/24/2010 through Law No 12,289 / 2010. At Unilab, she held the management positions: Coordinator of the undergraduate course in Nursing, Coordinator of the specialization course in Health Management, Coordinator of the specialization course in Family Health, Coordinator of Undergraduate Education, Coordinator of the Public Health Area, Director of the Institute of Health Sciences, Dean of Research and Graduate Studies, Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Vice-Dean. At Unilab she is a professor of the Nursing course and at the Federal University of Ceará she is a professor of the professional master's course in Family Health at the Northeast Network in Family Health / RENASF. She has experience in Nursing, working mainly on the following topics: collective health, sexual and reproductive health and cervical cancer prevention.


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