Started in 1966 and was revived only in 2003, the project Rondon is subsidized by the federal government, since its inception the project aims at promoting, among other things, the social integration. This text relates to participation experienced in "Operation Rio Grande do Sul 2008" and "Operation Xingu 2008. Since its creation, Rondon is a project of social whose main purpose is to place the student in the reality of the country, aiming at promoting citizenship and social welfare - this is the main objective of the project. Disseminate information of an educational nature; Empower multipliers in specific areas, focusing on citizenship and sustainable local development by favoring the poorest communities of the region in which it will operate are some of the specific project objectives. Workshops were held to encourage reading for teachers of the municipal in both regions. It was possible to observe the reaction of direct access to information and citizenship, where the first concept serves as the promotion of the second. Among the results, highlight the receptivity of communities - clearly demonstrated, in a first moment, by direct participation in proposals to be submitted by students; And, as life experience to the project participant Rondon through the integration of people involved in the project . And in relation to the community; Providing a unique learning experience beyond the "walls" of the university.
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