Beyond China: idle capacity and foreign direct investment in african socio-spatial formations in the early 21st century




The recent growth of most African economies has led to the development of numerous analyzes that conditioned the phenomenon in question to the Chinese economic dynamism. However, in addition to the evident influence of the Asian country – which operates in Africa through bilateral agreements, loans and different types of investments – it is also necessary to raise what are the specific conditions of the productive forces of the 54 African socio-spatial formations today. The understanding of these specificities – as well as the idle capacities of their territories – is the primary vector for directing the Foreign Direct Investments, which reveal the architecture of economic interests between African heads of state and the rest of the world, beyond China.

Author Biography

Kauê Lopes dos Santos, London School of Economics and Political Science, Latin American and Caribbean Centre

Atualmente é pesquisador visitante de pós-doutorado do Latin American and Caribbean Centre da London School of Economics (LACC-LSE) e pesquisador de pós-doutorado no Instituto de Energia e Ambiente da Universidade de São Paulo (IEE-USP). Obteve seu título de Doutor em Geografia Humana (FFLCH-USP) em 2017 e atuou como pesquisador visitante de doutorado na University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) entre 2015 e 2016. Obteve seu título de Mestre em Habitat (FAU-USP) em 2011 e seus títulos de Bacharel em Geografia (FFLCH-USP) e Licenciado em Geografia (FE-USP) em 2007. Desenvolve pesquisa em acerca de temas econômicos, urbanos e ambientais dos países da América Latina e da África ao Sul do Saara.


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