Relationship between conservation units and the Brazilian environmental law: a case study in Southern Brazil


  • Agnes Orzechowski Faculdade Avantis
  • Veraldo Liesenberg Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg



Conservation Units may be classified by Law either as integral
protection or sustainable use nowadays. This law brings to the
Government the possibility to categorize new areas according to its characteristics and purposes. The main goal of this study was to describe the state of art of the conservation units in Brazil and to discuss the different possibilities available nowadays to categorize a new conservation unit at district (Municipal) level. The case study selected in this investigation was Pomerode city (Santa Catarina State, Brazil). In this research we conclude that economic and social aspects should be considered with more intenseness in order to verify
its implementation viability, mainly when the conservation unit under study shows private areas inside its boundaries. In most of the cases, no financial support is managed to pay compensation and the new conservation unit contribute by the end only for statistic purposes and not for the preservation of the biodiversity as initially expected.

Author Biographies

Agnes Orzechowski, Faculdade Avantis

Possui graduação em Ciências Biológicas pela Fundação Universidade do Contestado (2005). Desenvolveu estudos na área de etologia de grandes felinos (Panthera onca, Panthera leo, Panthera tigris) e de primatas (Cebus apella). É especialista em Gestão ambiental (2008), atua na consultoria ambiental a empresas e a criatórios.

Veraldo Liesenberg, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg

Atualmente é bolsista CNPq/DAAD no curso de doutoramento em "Environmental and Material Science, Technology, and Management" da "Freiberg University of Mining and Technology" em parceria com a "Dresden University of Technology" Alemanha. Tem experiência na área de Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal, com ênfase em Sensoriamento Remoto aplicado a vegetação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: sensoriamento remoto óptico e de microondas; monitoramento sazonal da vegetação e modelagem ambiental.




