Inventory of the pedagogical potential of the geodiversity sites of the municipality of Petrolina- PE




This paper deals with the geodiversity of Petrolina municipality, located in Brazilian semi-arid. The landscapes of Petrolina presents hills, ridges, river islands and dune fields. There is a lack of geodiversity studies and this work proceeded an inventory of geosites evaluating its potential to field class. The inventory was based primary on analysis of topographical charts after complemented by field observations and check of geological papers and maps. Besides that was observed the proximity to roads, acess to geosites and safety questions. After this field class potential of geosites were classified as for quantity of geodiversity elements in: low, medium, high, and very high potential. Were found 32 sites of geodiversity, only 1 with very high potential. It’s expected that this sites can help geographical and interdisciplinary education.

Author Biographies

Márcia Evangelista Sousa, Universidade de Pernambuco

Master in Education, Universidade de Pernambuco.

Lucas Costa de Souza Cavalcanti, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco/UFPE

Adjunct Professor in the Department of Geographical Sciences

Luciana Freitas de Oliveira França, Universidade de Pernambuco/UPE

Adjunct Professor of the College of Geography




