The efforts to modernize the chinese nuclear arsenal: internal balancing and transformation in the contemporary international system




The article aims to analyze Chinese investments in its nuclear arsenal after the Cold War. It is argued that nuclear weapons modernization efforts are part of a process of "internal balancing" undertaken by China in relation to the United States of America. To develop this argument, the first section of this article discusses the phenomenon of "internal balancing", in order to clarify its conceptual and theoretical basis. Then, we carry out a brief historical review of the Chinese nuclear program during the Cold War. Finally, contemporary efforts to modernize Chinese nuclear arsenals are evaluated, in light of a theoretical model that allows the empirical verification of the phenomenon of internal balancing.

Author Biography

Layla Dawood, Professora Adjunta, Departamento de Relações Internacionais, UERJ

Professora Adjunta, Departamento de Relações Internacionais, UERJ


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