Bioclimatic classification of the caatinga in the semi-arid zone of the Paraíba river basin - PB
Bioclimatic, Vegetation, CaatingaAbstract
This article aims to present a bioclimatic classification, seeking to make an association with plant species that have greater importance in the area. The research development site was the semiarid zone of the Paraíba river basin - PB, with specific classifications in some municipalities such as: São João do Tigre, Coxixola, São Domingos do Cariri and Caturité. In methodological terms, the research made use of different methods and techniques, the main ones being the bioclimatic classification proposed by Cámara et. al. (2004), and the vegetation inventories using the proposal by Cámera (2013). The satellite images used were from the Landsat TM sensor, as well as those from the GEOEye, a high-resolution sensor, the classification was developed in ArcGis 10 and Idrisi Kilimanjaro. The results point to a bioclimatic condition of semiarid tropophyllo vegetation in most of the semiarid zone of the basin and humid mesophile in specific points, especially in the highest parts of the Inselbergs. It is important to point out the intense use of the soil for agricultural activities, goat farming and the advance of the urban areas, contributing decisively to the current environmental situation.
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