A Step-by-Step Implementation of a Corporate Social Network
Conteúdo do artigo principal
Purpose: This paper demonstrate a step-by-step implementation of a corporate social network involving employees, partners and customers considering cultural changes. It also demonstrates the Corporate SNS evolution to a Daily Collaborative Work Platform incorporating Corporate SNS and other tools as Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Business Process Management (BPM), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Mall (APP Store), Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Web Content Management (WCM), Identity Management (IDM), Analytics Tools, Portals like Human Resources and Demand Management providing a single experience to their users.
Design / Methodology / Approach: This paper is a case study carried on in the biggest developer of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in Latin America.
Results: The use of a Corporate Social Network starts as a project but in order to continually being productive and generating results it should be necessary for this tool to become a routine activity in all company.
Originality / Value: Social Network Sites (SNS) revolutionized human relationship in personal, academic and professional ways, extending the range of connections bringing new forms of communication. New technologies bring new opportunities but also bring challenges. The first companies to learn about SNS use will enjoy a great competitive advantage, improving how to do business and coordinate internal and external relationships and activities. A corporate social network implementation is a good start to obtain the advantages of this new technology but, for the companies to conquer a collaborative form of work, a cultural base for the proper use of the platform is crucial.
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