Anthropological “return”: black feminist and research with indigenous women


  • Regilene Alves Vieira Universidade Federal da Bahia



Anthropological doing, Black women, Indigenous, Coloniality of knowledge


In contemporary times, black and indigenous women have increasingly occupied the academic space and made their voices echo in the production of scientific knowledge and contributed to a new anthropological practice in an attempt to break with the coloniality of knowledge still present within the discipline and profession. In this sense, instigated to think about the experience as a young black anthropologist conducting research “with” indigenous women, the article aims to weave some reflections on what refers to anthropological work and the social markers that cross black and indigenous women. The research is based on the ethnography developed since the master’s degree until the current period with indigenous women and on the autoethnography of thinking within this process.


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How to Cite

VIEIRA, Regilene Alves. Anthropological “return”: black feminist and research with indigenous women. Ilha Revista de Antropologia, Florianópolis, v. 26, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8034.2024.e93949. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.



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