Territory and participation: Lévy-Bruhl in Karajá’s country


  • Eduardo Soares Nunes Programa de Antropologia e Arqueologia - Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (PAA-Ufopa)




The present article aims to extract from Lucien Lévy-Bruhl’s work a concept of “territory” that may be productive from the standpoint of the ethnological literature’s current state; to extract it and, in a second movement, to experiment with it in reading the Karajá’s  ethnographic data. After a brief treatment of some of the central aspects of the French author’s work, I explore the Karajá’s concept of hãwa – usually translated by the Indians as “territory” – as a “huddle of participations and exclusions”, according to Lévy-Bruhl’s phrasing. For a hãwa associated to a village contains within it several heterogeneous territories inhabited by Other, different beings; and between which there is no extensive division, but intensive superposition. To live in a hãwa thus requires a vivid perception of the relational modes this “huddle” implies as well as a careful evaluation of that which one can or cannot do taking into account the consequences or effects of one’s actions – a cosmopolitics of respect.


Author Biography

Eduardo Soares Nunes, Programa de Antropologia e Arqueologia - Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará (PAA-Ufopa)

Bacharel em Ciências Sociais com habilitação em antropologia pelo Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade de Brasília (2009), mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social do Departamento de Antropologia da Universidade de Brasília (2012) e doutor pela mesma instituição (2016). É pesquisador associado ao Laboratório de Antropologias da T/terra (DAN-UnB). Etnólogo, faz pesquisa junto aos Karajá, grupo indígena centro-brasileiro, desde 2008, desenvolvendo temas como relações com os brancos, parentesco e pessoa, ritual e xamanismo.É professor do Bacharelado de Antropologia do Programa de Antropologia e Arqueologia da Universidade Federal do Oeste do Pará.



How to Cite

NUNES, Eduardo Soares. Territory and participation: Lévy-Bruhl in Karajá’s country. Ilha Revista de Antropologia, Florianópolis, v. 21, n. 1, p. 103–138, 2019. DOI: 10.5007/2175-8034.2019v21n1p103. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/ilha/article/view/2175-8034.2019v21n1p103. Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.



Dossiê Cosmopolíticas da Terra contra os limites da territorialização