Comportamento de mudas de <I>Schizolobium parahyba</I> (Veloso) Blake, em viveiro, submetidas a diferentes métodos de quebra de dormência e sistemas de semeadura
This experiment was conducted at horto botânico - UFSC, Florianópolis to determine the effect of break dormancy and sowing methods on the production of Schizolobium parahyba (Veloso) Blake planting. stock. Three methods of break dormancy (control manual scarification, three minutes boiling) and two systems of sowing (direct sowing on plastic bag, transplanting after sowing at nursery) were used. Manual scarification treatment provided better germination and higher planting stock height. Direct sowing in plastic bag showed the better result on height of planting stock and collar diameter than the system of transplanting after sowing at nursery. According to the data analyzed, it showed the possibility of planting stock production with good character for transplanting to the field within 2 months, by the manual scarification and direct sowing in plastic bag.Downloads
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