Contribution to the taxonomic survey of the survey of the Benthonic marine algae from the Itacorubi Mangrove - Florianopolis - Santa Catarina Island - Brazil - II Rhodophyta
The present work is about the marine benthic algae RHODOPHYTA division, collected from the Itacorubi mangrove, in FlorianOpolis, Island of Santa Catarina, Santa Catarina State, Brazil.(27° 34'05" Lat. S e 48°30'45" Long. W.) There were identified 9 taxa, distribuited in 5 genera. Two species are reported for the firsttime for the Santa Catarina State: Caloglossa ogasawaraensis Okamura and Murrayella periclados (C. Agardh) Schmitz. We present a list of the species with descriptions contaning ecological observations, reprodutive stages, monthly distribution, association among the species and substract preference.
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