Biological Studies in Panus Fr. Cultures (Basidiomycetes) in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Additional methods of study are proposed, with the objective to contribute to the understanding of the genus Panus Fr. Such methods comprehend the study of cultures from 21 carpophores collected in different counties of Rio Grande do Sul (South Brazil), analysed after Nobles system (1965). Furthermore it includes the comprobation of the incompatibility system and the conspec.ificity determination. Three spec:es are studied: Panus crinitus (L. ex Fr.) Sing., Panus badius (Berk.) Sing. and Panus rudis Fr. The data obtained in this study show different patterns of culture behavior for each of the three species, including:presence of extracelular oxidases, and tetrapolar homogenic system. Three conspecific groups corresponding to the species are delimited. A probable occurrence of heterogenic incompatibility system is detected. The criteria employed by the different authors in the delimitation of the genus Panus Fr. are discussed.
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