Herbivory ln <i>Psidium cattleyanum</i> Sab. (Myrtaceae)


  • Leonardo D.S.A. Baptista da Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • João de Deus Medeiros Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Psidium cattleyanum Sab. (Myrtaceae) is a species that exhibit great differences in phenotypically based characters, when to compare plants growing in dense forest and sandy coastal Quatemary plains. The present investigation was carried out aiming the herbivory rates among different individuaIs of P. cattleyanum growing at distinct habitats. The species growing in distinct habitats differ in the rates ofherbivore damage, and high herbivory rates were correlated with plants from dense forests. ln the plants from sandy coastal areas the leveI of damage on the foliage are relatively low than plants from dense forests.

Author Biography

Leonardo D.S.A. Baptista da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Engenheiro Agronômo formado pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (2000). Mestrado em Biologia Vegetal pela UFSC (2002), sendo Doutor em Botânica pelo Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (2011). Lattes.




