Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) preserved in the holocenic sediments of Lagoa do Peri- Florianópolis- SC- Brazil
A study on the diatom (Bacillariophyta) preserved in sediment of the Lagoa do Peri, Florianópolis, SC (27º43'30" S and 48º32'30"W) carried through. A total of 26 samples was showed from collections with Livingstone sampler, between the surface and 2,10 meters of sediment. Had been found 44 specific and infraspecific taxa, distributed in 30 genera, 25 families. The families better represented had been Triceratiaceae and Plagiogrammaceae, both with 3 genera. Pinnularia had been the genus better represented, with 5 species. The dominant species had been Aulacoseira ambigua and Paralia sulcata. First, the dominant one most recent layers of the sediment, it characterizes the current, fresh environment, while that the second, dominant one in the deep layers of sediment, it characterizes the inicial environment of the Lagoon, of marine origin.Downloads
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