Yield and nitrate content in cultivars of lettuce produced under different systems of cultivation


  • Silvana Ohse Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis
  • Hercules Nogueira Filho Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS
  • Durval Dourado Neto Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" da Universidade de São Paulo
  • Paulo Augusto Manfron Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS
  • Fernanda Londero Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS


The purpose of this research was to define the yield and the nitrate accumulation in cultivars of lettuce grew in differents cultivation systems. The production of the fresh weight of the hydroponic lettuce was 21,4% higher than the lettuce produced under conventional system. not presenting proportionality in the production of dry weight. The nitrate content in hydroponic lettuce was 15,3% higher than the lettuce produced under conventional system, however, much below of the highest Iimits permited for this culture, don't differing between cultivars. The lettuce hydropony showed up practicable for its larger yield and shorter cycle.

Author Biographies

Silvana Ohse, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis

Agrôn Eng., Dr.Prof. Substitute the Dep.de Botany, UFSC. Ohse@ccb.ufsc.br

Hercules Nogueira Filho, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS

Agrôn Eng., M.Sc.

Durval Dourado Neto, Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" da Universidade de São Paulo

Agrôn Eng., Dr.Prof. Assistant Plant Production Department, ESALQ / USP. Sponsored by CNPq.

Paulo Augusto Manfron, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS

Agrôn Eng., Prof. Dr. Holder Plant Science Dep.

Fernanda Londero, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - RS

Agrôn Eng. MS in Plant Science.




