Soybean response to CO2 and temperature increase
This study was conducted to determine the effects and interactions of CO2 concentration and air temperature on five different stages (V4, R3, R5, R6 and R8) of soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Stonewal1, grown on controlled environment chambers. Day/night air temperatures of 20/15,25/20 and 30/25 °C were maintained in CO2 concentrations of 400 and 700 ppm. Plants were grown under constant irradiance and non-limiting supplies of water and mineral nutrients. Interactions between temperature and CO2 appeared after soybean development stage V4 for the above biomass plant analysis. The temperature has more influence over the development rate and flowering date than the CO2 concentration. Response to elevated CO2 was greater at lower temperatures.Downloads
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