Contribution to the knowledgement of the epiphytes (exclusive bromeliaceae) in an Araucarian forest of the primeiro planalto paranaense
It was made a floristic survey of the epiphytes in an Araucarian Forest of 13,9 ha., located in the urban region of Curitiba - Paraná, at the coordinates of 25º25' S and 49º17' W of Greenwich, and at an altitude of 900 m above sea level. It was collected and herborized 26 species belonging to 15 genera and 6 families. The most representative family was Orchidaceae with 13 species, followed by Polypodiaceae with 6 species, Cactaceae with 3 species, Piperaceae with 2 species, Aspleniaceae and Gesneriaceae with one species.Downloads
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