Biology of wood-rotting Aphyllophorales (Basidiomycetes)
The work comprises cultures studies of twenty three species of wood-rotting Aphyllophorales, distributed among the families Corticiaceae, Ganodermataceae, Hyrnenochaetaceae, Podoscyphaceae, Polyporaceae, Schizophyllaceae and Stereaceae, colected at "Horto Florestal Granja Carola" of the "Companhia Estadual de Energia Elétrica", in Guaíba, RS. The cultures are codified according to NOBLES (1965). Aleurodiscus mirabilis (BERK. & CURT.) HOHN, Cymatoderma caperatum (BERK. & MONT.) REID, Coriolopsis rigida (BERK. & MONT.) MURR., Dichomitus anoectoporus (BERK. & CURT.) RYV. and Perenniporia piperis (RICK) RAJCH. that are for the first time incorpored to the Nobles system, and Grammothele subargentea (SPEG.) RAJCH., Dichomitus anoectoporus (BERK. CURT.) RYV., Fibroporia gossypia (SPEG.) PARM. and Perenniporia piperis (RICK) RAJCH. that constitute new citations for Brazil, have their cultures described.Downloads
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